Tryst with Harry Potter
I was, and still am, a world class procrastinator. Unlike many areas of India, the school year in Delhi does not begin after the summer holidays. The month and a half's absence from school is preceded by a month and a half's rigorous classes of the new session. When the teachers bid goodbye to the students for the summer break they weigh them down with a hill of holiday homework. Now, this work is quite manageable if one diligently tackles a little bit everyday. But who does? The major chunk of my work would be done on 29th and 30th of June, the two busiest days before school reopened. The rest would be battled out in the subsequent weekends, prioritizing on the basis of the urgency with which a teacher insisted on the completed submission. Similar was the case during my eighth standard summer holidays and the better part of July. Harry Potter used to be the most sought after book in our school library. Every week I would hear at least two of my classmates whining about t...