A Peacock Perched
As I turned off the highway into a village road,
From the corner of my eye, not daring to look longer or higher,
I spotted a peacock
Perched in nonchalant grace atop the the divider streetlight.
Always the edgy driver,
The infinitesimal look is all I took
And smiling, I pointed him out.
Passing, I tried locating him on my rearview mirror, but couldnt.
I don't remember seeing the colours
Only imagined them there
The silhouette and the I-own-this-place look is all I recall.
Always the nervy driver, I wondered
If it might have been a trickery of my eyes
But pointing out, I found reassurance that the vision was real.
It's been days since that day,
And every morning I make that turn,
I look up high and long
Wishing that a king of birds
Would gladden with poise and vibrance
My dusty grey commute
But alas, nevermore!
The memory of that lone vision alone remains,
With a hope - that someday again
When I turn off the highway, I will see.